All your favourite content in one place

Never waste time jumping from App to App again!

With Whiz, all your favourite content can be quickly accessible without having to leave the App!
You’ll be able to chat with your friends, read the latest news on the topics that interest you the most, share everything you want with your followers, and visit the profiles of your friends, famous celebrities, and your brands, whenever you want and wherever you are.

Whiz Showcase


Follow your friends to see what they’re up to, share your thoughts and photos, read the latest news, and stay connected to everything that’s important to you.

Podcasts & Connected Apps

If you're a fan of Podcasts, you'll be able to hear your favourites while scrolling through your Tweets, reading news or watching your YouTube channels of choice, all without leaving Whiz.


Your friends and family are now just a simple Chat away! Call them (with or without video), send them a text or a voice message, photos, videos, and documents.


Have fun exploring and discovering new and entertaining videos every day. And if you also have recorded moments that you want to share with the Whiz community, now here’s your chance!

Appealing and intuitive design

Whiz Home
Whiz Life Feed
Whiz Life Post
Whiz Create Post
Whiz Play
Whiz Chat
Whiz Chat Conversation
Whiz New chat
Whiz Contact Profile
Whiz Page Profile
Whiz Notifications
Whiz Voice Call
Whiz Voice Conference
Whiz Video Call
Whiz Video Conference
Whiz Camera
Whiz Share Photo